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Great Bay Community College (GBCC) has partnered with Rave Wireless (Rave Mobile Safety)提供一种新的紧急警报系统,能够将信息发送到您的大学电子邮件和个人电子邮件地址, as well as your landline and cell phone. Below is new information on how to update or enroll in the new system

GBCC ALERTS是冰球突破豪华版试玩的紧急通知系统,将有助于确保快速可靠的大众传播给学生, faculty, and staff. GBCC警报系统设计用于与手机通信(文本和语音信息), landlines, and e-mail systems, should a crisis, emergency situation or weather closure/delay occur on the GBCC campus.

Registering for GBCC Alerts?
Students, 教职员工应注册GBCC警报,以便通过手机(语音或短信)和电子邮件帐户接收校园紧急事件的最新信息.

IMPORTANT NOTE: GBCC ALERTS are for emergency situations such as closure due to weather, campus lockdowns, power outage, etc… GBCC ALERTS are not used for cancelation of individual classes. Class cancelations are handled by instructors through college email or Canvas.

You can register for GBCC Alerts (Rave Wireless) and click the register button. 你必须有一个CCSNH的电子邮件地址来注册,这包括学生,教师和工作人员. If you have forgotten your username and/or password, there are links to help with this on the login page.

Note: 请阅读下面的免责声明*,因为CCSNH或Rave Wireless无法控制的情况无法保证交付.

GBCC警报只是学院在紧急情况下沟通信息的一种方法. 校园将继续酌情使用各种其他通知方法. Please continue to check this page for further updates.


What should I do when I receive an GBCC ALERTS message?
当您收到GBCC ALERTS通知消息时,您应该做三件事:

  1. Read/Listen to the message – don’t ignore it!
  2. Alert other people. 在课堂上,教授和其他学生可能会关闭手机. If you’re in a classroom, 请告知教授,以便他或她可以帮助你采取适当的行动. If you’re at work, let your coworkers know about the alert. It’s very important to help spread word.
  3. Follow any instructions given with the message. The instructions will be direct and specific to the particular situation. Be sure to follow them carefully. 如果情况需要,将发送额外的消息来更新您.

How can I be sure my telephone number won’t be given out?
您为GBCC警报提供的信息属于冰球突破豪华版试玩. 我们的供应商(Rave Wireless)确保您的手机或电子邮件信息不会被出售, offered or shared in any way with anyone. It’s against federal law for them to share or sell personal student information.

Do students, faculty and staff need to register to activate this service?
Yes if you wish to receive notifications via text/phone calls or email. All students, 强烈建议教职员工在以下网址注册并提供紧急联系信息 如果您希望接收多个校园的警报,则需要为您希望接收警报的每个校园进行注册. 请记住,GBCC警报系统的可靠性取决于您提供的联系信息的准确性-请随时更新.

Does this mean that I should leave my cell phone on in class?
No. 课堂上使用手机将继续按照GBCC或个别教师制定的政策进行指导.

How much does GBCC Alerts cost?
There is no charge for registering – the total cost is covered by the College. 然而,与短信相关的费用取决于你使用的手机套餐. 一些电话计划对短信收取象征性的费用,GBCC警报不会报销, so be sure to check your cell phone contract.

What if I change my cell phone service provider?
When you change cell phone providers, but keep your existing cell phone number, it is considered “ported,” and doesn’t need to be reregistered for the CCSNH Alerts system.

What if I change my cell phone number or e-mail address?
学生,教师和工作人员应更新他们的联系信息登录到 Rave Wireless site at to update any of their information.

No. GBCC Alerts和Rave Wireless不会将您的联系信息出售给第三方营销人员.

How do I stop receiving GBCC Alerts?
Students, 教职员工可以随时通过登录Rave Wireless网站并删除他们的联系信息来停止接收信息.

What if I need help registering or changing my contact information?
对于警报系统的帮助,学生,教师和工作人员应该联系 GBCC Help Desk 并提交门票或访问朴茨茅斯校园2楼的服务台.


*CCSNH保留了一家供应商(Rave Wireless),向请求提供紧急通知服务. CCSNH和供应商都将尝试使用您提供的联系信息及时提供准确的信息和适当的指导. By registering for these services, 您承认并同意,如发生未提供通知或提供不准确信息或错误指示的情况,CCSNH或供应商均不承担责任. CCSNH保留为学院的重要业务使用紧急联系信息的权利,但只有在其他冰球突破豪华版试玩失败后才能使用. CCSNH and the vendor will not share, sell or otherwise provide your information, without your permission, to any other person or entity.